Bruce Lee was a specimen of health. He trained every day and consumed only the proper food. He was a martinet who never let his work interfere with his training. Even when he was sent to India to find suitable locations for filming, he took along his running shoes. One of the most neglected elements of martial artists is the physical workout. Too much time is spent on developing skill in techniques and not enough in physical participation.
Practicing your skill in fighting is important, but so is maintaining your overall physical condition. Actually both are needed to be successful in a real fight. Training is a skill of disciplining your mind, developing your power and supplying endurance to your body. Aerobic Exercises : Lee’s daily training consisted of aerobic exercises, plus others which were patterned to develop his skill in fighting. He varied his exercises to avoid boredom. One of his favorite exercises was running four miles a day in 24 to 25 minutes. He would change his tempo while running — after several miles of constant, even strides, he would sprint several feet and then return to easier running. Between changes in running tempo, he would also shuffle his feet. Lee was not particular where he ran: at the beach, in parks or woods, up and down hills or on surfaced streets. Besides running, he also rode an exercycle to develop his endurance, legs and cardiovascular muscles.
He usually rode full speed — 35 to 40 miles an hour continuously for 45 minutes to an hour. Frequently, he would ride his exercycle right after his running.
Taky Kimura, James Yimm Lee, and Dan Inosanto. Inosanto holds the 3rd rank (Instructor) directly from Bruce Lee in Jeet Kune Do, Jun Fan Gun...
Lee was involved in competitive fights, some of which were arranged while others were not. Dan Inosanto stated, "There's no doubt...
A true renaissance man, Bruce Lee was a talented artist, poet, philosopher, writer and actor, apart from being a formidable fighter. Bruce...
Bruce Lee was never a professional boxer although he did fight throughout high school and was an avid student of boxing during his adult ...
Of all the body parts Bruce Lee developed, his abdominal muscles were the most spectacular: rock solid to the touch, deeply cut and highly d...
Robert Lee is a Hong Kong musician and younger brother of martial artist legend Bruce Lee, the brother-in-law of Linda Lee Caldwell, and als...
To contemplate a thing implies maintaining oneself OUTSIDE it, resolved to keep a distance between it and ourselves. p. 30 Running...
The following are principles that Bruce Lee incorporated into his Jeet Kune Do. He felt these were universal combat truths that were self ...